The Thursday Night Movies, under the sponsorship of the Friends of the R.H. Johnson Library, started in 1980 and were held in the SCW R.H Johnson Library. In 1984 a donation fee of $1.00 was requested to help cover expenses. The movies became so popular with our SCW residents that they were moved first into the Beardsley Park Music Room, then to the Lecture Hall. In 1989, to accommodate a growing number of attendees, we moved to the Stardust Theater, our present location. Sometime in early 2000, the donation fee was increased to $2.00 to help with the cost of projection equipment and the license to show the movies, as well as books and videos for the R.H. Johnson Library. After all these years, and at the audience’s suggestion, we are raising the donation fee to $3.00/pp effective Thursday, August 4, 2022. We hope you’ll continue to support our SCW R.H Johnson Library by joining us every Thursday evening to enjoy a great movie.